Alright! So postcards have been sent out!. For everyone who doesn't know everyone and everything on the card, here's a cheat sheet I made up that lets you know a little bit about the items and people that may not be as familiar as the rest.

2. Velociraptor: 8 foot man-eating dinosaur from the movie Jurassic Park.
3 L. Ron Hubbard: Founder of Scientology.
4. Zombie Head: Decapitated
5. Pauly Shore: Film-Actor from the 90's (Bio-Dome). Most people love him or hate him.
6. Michael Steele: Head of the Republican National Party since Obama became President.
7. Calista Flockhart: Actress from the 90's. Best known for her work on Ally McBeal.
8. A Chainsaw: Can be placed on Santa's arm so he can have a chainsaw arm.
9. Knobkierrie: An African club, which in times of peace are used as walking sticks.
10. Chest Plate: Roman
11. Big Blueberries: Delicious
12. Faberge Egg: Elaborate jewel-encrusted eggs made for the Russian Tsars.
13. Cats: A useless amount.
14. Statue of Shiva: The Hindu god of creation and destruction whose dance represents chaos.
15. Justine: A novel written by Marquis De Sade.
16. Coca-Cola: Taken from a Christmas Santa ad from the 50's.
17. Lotus Shoes: Chinese shoes for foot binding, a phased out practice for women.
18. Cecropia Moth Wings: North America's largest native moth.
19. Zoloft: A commonly prescribed antidepressant.
20. Oil Lamp: An oil lamp similar to the magic lamp from Arabian Nights.
Send me an email if you have any other questions about what's what on the card. Enjoy cutting up the card!
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